Monday, August 27, 2007

I could never be a single mom

I totally admire single moms... why??? Because I could never do it.

This statement is coming because my husband (who I love to bits... he's my big sexy bear) has left to go to ozzfest and so, for the next 2 days, I'm like a single parent. UGH. No one to just pass the kids off to when I need that "going nuts from hearing them fight off and on all day" break or getting backup when I have to really put my foot down and one of the kids is being stubborn and another one is getting into trouble.

My mother was a single parent and I really admire her for that, despite all the problems I have with her and my complete dislike of her and all parts of her. She did the best she could given her situation and generation and for that, I do admire her.

However, my childhood (the bad parts that I swear I will post about one of these days) was one reason I vowed that I would not get married until I was sure I was ready to be really and truly committed and put in the work to make it last. My husband is from a family where divorce just doesn't happen. The first person to do so has been my youngest brother in law and that was because he just made a really bad choice in wife. I got very lucky in that I was able to not only find someone that I love with all my heart, but who knows first hand that marriage is tons of work. He's had infinite patience as I've gone through my bipolar mess and gotten on meds. He has taught me so much about what a real partner is and what it is like to have someone by your side who truly won't back out when the going gets tough.


So day 1 of me on my own with the kids with no husband coming home tonight (miss him so bad) involves the dishwasher breaking (the thing is old, so probably now is dead).

Doodle is sick with a cold and so thereby will not sit on a piece of furniture correctly (why this happens when he gets sick I'll never know) so I'm battling to keep my sofa together.

The Bird is only tolerable today when on a computer playing games or reading comics because otherwise he is trying to be the boss of his brother and sister.

And Roo has found the halloween buckets from last year and is prancing around in her brother's ninja turtle shirt and her pink shorts chirping "trick-y-treat!"

He owes me big time for letting him go to Ozzfest. However, I still owe him for just being him. A wonderful husband and father who is why I am not a single mom.

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